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Functions to load the logged data from experiments and their repetitions and the structure of the generated experiments.

The functions can be accessed under the module:

Usually the data is loaded in Jupyter notebook using the ExperimentDataLoaderWidget. The following loading functions can be used if data should be loaded for a custom analysis or plots.


Loads and returns descriptions of experiments from a specified experiments directory.


Name Type Description Default
experiments_directory str

Path to the experiments directory. Defaults to "..\DEFAULT_EXPERIMENTS_DIRECTORY".

allowed_experiments_id_list list

List of experiment IDs to be loaded. Cannot be used with denied_experiments_id_list. Default: All experiments are considered.

denied_experiments_id_list list

List of experiment IDs to be excluded. Cannot be used with allowed_experiments_id_list. Default: All experiments are considered.

experiment_directory_template str

Template string for the name of experiment directories. The template should include a placeholder for the experiment id. Example: 'experiment_{:06d}' for experiment folders with ids with at least six digits. Defaults to EXPERIMENT_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE.

repetition_directory_template str

Template string for the name of experiment directories. The template should include a placeholder for the repetition id. Example: 'repetition_{:06d}' for repetition folders with ids with at least six digits. Defaults to REPETITION_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE.



Name Type Description
AttrDict AttrDict

A dictionary containing descriptions of the experiments.


The keys are the experiment ids and the values are dictionaries with the follwing properties:

  • id: experiment id.
  • name: Name of the experiment. Default: 'exp <experiment id>'.
  • short_name: A short name for display purposes. Default: 'e<experiment id>'.
  • order: Sort order of experiments if they should be displayed in a GUI.
  • directory: Full path to experiment directory.
  • description: Description of the experiment. Default: ''.
  • repetition_ids: List of repetition ids.
  • repetition_directories : List of full paths to repetition directories.
Source code in exputils/data/
def load_experiment_descriptions(experiments_directory: Optional[str] = None,
                                 allowed_experiments_id_list: Optional[list] = None,
                                 denied_experiments_id_list: Optional[list] = None,
                                 experiment_directory_template: Optional[str] = None,
                                 repetition_directory_template: Optional[str] = None) -> AttrDict:
    Loads and returns descriptions of experiments from a specified experiments directory.

        experiments_directory (str): Path to the experiments directory.
            Defaults to "..\DEFAULT_EXPERIMENTS_DIRECTORY".
        allowed_experiments_id_list (list): List of experiment IDs to be loaded.
            Cannot be used with denied_experiments_id_list.
            Default: All experiments are considered.
        denied_experiments_id_list (list): List of experiment IDs to be excluded.
            Cannot be used with allowed_experiments_id_list.
            Default: All experiments are considered.
        experiment_directory_template (str): Template string for the name of experiment directories.
            The template should include a placeholder for the experiment id.
            Example: 'experiment_{:06d}' for experiment folders with ids with at least six digits.
        repetition_directory_template (str): Template string for the name of experiment directories.
            The template should include a placeholder for the repetition id.
            Example: 'repetition_{:06d}' for repetition folders with ids with at least six digits.

        AttrDict: A dictionary containing descriptions of the experiments.
        The keys are the experiment ids and the values are dictionaries with the follwing properties:

            - id: experiment id.
            - name: Name of the experiment. Default: 'exp <experiment id\>'.
            - short_name: A short name for display purposes. Default: 'e<experiment id\>'.
            - order: Sort order of experiments if they should be displayed in a GUI.
            - directory: Full path to experiment directory.
            - description: Description of the experiment. Default: ''.
            - repetition_ids: List of repetition ids.
            - repetition_directories : List of full paths to repetition directories.

    if experiments_directory is None:
        experiments_directory = os.path.join('..', eu.DEFAULT_EXPERIMENTS_DIRECTORY)

    if allowed_experiments_id_list is not None and denied_experiments_id_list is not None:
        raise ValueError('allowed_experiments_id_list and denied_experiments_id_list can not be set at the same time!')

    if experiment_directory_template is None: experiment_directory_template = eu.EXPERIMENT_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE
    experiment_directory_template = re.sub('\{.*\}', '*', experiment_directory_template)

    if repetition_directory_template is None: repetition_directory_template = eu.REPETITION_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE
    repetition_directory_template = re.sub('\{.*\}', '*', repetition_directory_template)

    experiment_descriptions = AttrDict()

    exp_directories = glob(os.path.join(experiments_directory, experiment_directory_template))
    for order, exp_directory in enumerate(np.sort(exp_directories)):

            exp_id = re.findall(r'\d+', os.path.basename(exp_directory))[0]
        except IndexError as err:
            raise ValueError('The experiments_directory (\'{}\') seems not to have experiment folders!'.format(experiments_directory)) from err

        is_add_experiment_descr = True
        if allowed_experiments_id_list is not None and exp_id not in allowed_experiments_id_list:
            is_add_experiment_descr = False
        elif denied_experiments_id_list is not None and exp_id in denied_experiments_id_list:
            is_add_experiment_descr = False

        if is_add_experiment_descr:
            experiment_descr = AttrDict()
   = exp_id
   = 'exp {}'.format(exp_id)
            experiment_descr.order = order
            experiment_descr.is_load_data = True
   = exp_directory
            experiment_descr.short_name = 'e{}'.format(exp_id)
            experiment_descr.description = ''

            # find repetition directories and ids
            repetition_directories = glob(os.path.join(exp_directory, repetition_directory_template))
            experiment_descr.repetition_directories = repetition_directories
            if experiment_descr.repetition_directories:

            experiment_descr.repetition_ids = []
            for rep_directory in np.sort(repetition_directories):
                rep_id = re.findall(r'\d+', os.path.basename(rep_directory))[0]

            experiment_descriptions[exp_id] = experiment_descr

    return experiment_descriptions


Loads logged data from experiments and their repetitions in form of nested dictionaries and numpy arrays.


Name Type Description Default
experiment_descriptions AttrDict

Predefined descriptions of the experiments. The descriptions contain the paths to all experiments and their repetitions that should be loaded. See load_experiment_descriptions for details. Can not be set together with experiments_directory.

experiments_directory str

Path to the experiments directory. Defaults to '..\experiments'. Can not be set together with experiment_descriptions.

allowed_experiments_id_list list

List of allowed experiment IDs. Only these will be loaded. Can not be set together with denied_experiments_id_list.

denied_experiments_id_list list

List of denied experiment IDs. All experiments besides these will be loaded. Can not be set together with allowed_experiments_id_list.

data_directory str

Relative path of the data directories under the experiments and repetitions. Defaults to './data'.

is_load_repetition_data bool

Flag to indicate if repetition data should be loaded. Defaults to True.

pre_allowed_data_filter list

List of datasources that will be loaded before the loading callback functions (see on_experiment_data_loaded and on_repetition_data_loaded) are called. Thus this data will be given to the callback functions. If defined then only these datasources will be loaded. The list contains strings with names of datasources.

pre_denied_data_filter list

List of datasources that will NOT be loaded before the loading callback functions (see on_experiment_data_loaded and on_repetition_data_loaded) are called. Thus this data will NOT be given to the callback functions. If defined then all existing datasources besides the ones specified will be loaded. The list contains strings with names of datasources.

post_allowed_data_filter list

List of datasources that will be added to the data dictionary that is returned after loading and the loading callback functions (see on_experiment_data_loaded and on_repetition_data_loaded) are called. If defined then only these datasources will be returned. The list contains strings with names of datasources.

post_denied_data_filter list

List of datasources that will NOT be added to the data dictionary that is returned after loading and the loading callback functions (see on_experiment_data_loaded and on_repetition_data_loaded) are called. If defined then all existing datasources besides the ones specified will be returned. The list contains strings with names of datasources.

on_experiment_data_loaded list

List of callback functions executed when experiment data is loaded. Can be used to modify the data by changing or adding elements. Form of the functions: func(exp_id: int, exp_data: AttrDict) -> AttrDict.

on_repetition_data_loaded list

List of callback functions executed when repetition data is loaded. Can be used to modify the data by changing or adding elements. Form of the functions: func(exp_id: int, exp_data: AttrDict) -> AttrDict.

allow_pickle bool

Indicates if loading of pickled objects is allowed. Defaults to True.
⚠ This could allow arbitrary code execution. Only load files you trust!



Name Type Description
data AttrDict

Loaded data.

experiment_descriptions AttrDict

Experiment descriptions of the loaded data. See load_experiment_descriptions for details.

Source code in exputils/data/
def load_experiment_data(experiment_descriptions: Optional[AttrDict]=None,
                         experiments_directory: Optional[str]=None,
                         allowed_experiments_id_list: Optional[list]=None,
                         denied_experiments_id_list: Optional[list]=None,
                         data_directory: Optional[str]=None,
                         is_load_repetition_data: bool=True,
                         pre_allowed_data_filter: Optional[list]=None,
                         pre_denied_data_filter: Optional[list]=None,
                         post_allowed_data_filter: Optional[list]=None,
                         post_denied_data_filter: Optional[list]=None,
                         on_experiment_data_loaded: Optional[list]=None,
                         on_repetition_data_loaded: Optional[list]=None,
                         allow_pickle: bool = True) -> tuple[AttrDict, AttrDict]:
    Loads logged data from experiments and their repetitions in form of nested dictionaries and numpy arrays.

    [//]: # (TODO: give an example of a file structure and how it is loaded)

        experiment_descriptions (AttrDict):
            Predefined descriptions of the experiments.
            The descriptions contain the paths to all experiments and their repetitions that should be loaded.
            See [`load_experiment_descriptions`][] for details.
            Can not be set together with experiments_directory.
        experiments_directory (str):
            Path to the experiments directory.
            Defaults to `'..\experiments'`.
            Can not be set together with experiment_descriptions.
        allowed_experiments_id_list (list):
            List of allowed experiment IDs.
            Only these will be loaded.
            Can not be set together with denied_experiments_id_list.
        denied_experiments_id_list (list):
            List of denied experiment IDs.
            All experiments besides these will be loaded.
            Can not be set together with allowed_experiments_id_list.
        data_directory (str):
            Relative path of the data directories under the experiments and repetitions.
            Defaults to `'./data'`.
        is_load_repetition_data (bool):
            Flag to indicate if repetition data should be loaded.
            Defaults to `True`.
        pre_allowed_data_filter (list):
            List of datasources that will be loaded before the loading callback functions
            (see `on_experiment_data_loaded` and `on_repetition_data_loaded`) are called.
            Thus this data will be given to the callback functions.
            If defined then only these datasources will be loaded.
            The list contains strings with names of datasources.
        pre_denied_data_filter (list):
            List of datasources that will NOT be loaded before the loading callback functions
            (see `on_experiment_data_loaded` and `on_repetition_data_loaded`) are called.
            Thus this data will NOT be given to the callback functions.
            If defined then all existing datasources besides the ones specified will be loaded.
            The list contains strings with names of datasources.
        post_allowed_data_filter (list):
            List of datasources that will be added to the data dictionary that is returned after
            loading and the loading callback functions (see `on_experiment_data_loaded` and `on_repetition_data_loaded`)
            are called.
            If defined then only these datasources will be returned.
            The list contains strings with names of datasources.
        post_denied_data_filter (list):
            List of datasources that will NOT be added to the data dictionary that is returned after
            loading and the loading callback functions (see `on_experiment_data_loaded` and `on_repetition_data_loaded`)
            are called.
            If defined then all existing datasources besides the ones specified will be returned.
            The list contains strings with names of datasources.
        on_experiment_data_loaded (list):
            List of callback functions executed when experiment data is loaded.
            Can be used to modify the data by changing or adding elements.
            Form of the functions: func(exp_id: int, exp_data: AttrDict) -> AttrDict.
        on_repetition_data_loaded (list):
            List of callback functions executed when repetition data is loaded.
            Can be used to modify the data by changing or adding elements.
            Form of the functions: func(exp_id: int, exp_data: AttrDict) -> AttrDict.
        allow_pickle (bool):
            Indicates if loading of pickled objects is allowed.
            Defaults to True. <br>
            :warning: This could allow arbitrary code execution. Only load files you trust!

        data (AttrDict):
            Loaded data.
        experiment_descriptions (AttrDict):
            Experiment descriptions of the loaded data.
            See [`load_experiment_descriptions`][] for details.

    if experiments_directory is not None and experiment_descriptions is not None:
        raise ValueError('Can not set experiment_directory and experiment_descriptions at the same time!')

    if experiment_descriptions is not None and (allowed_experiments_id_list is not None or denied_experiments_id_list is not None):
        raise ValueError('experiment_descriptions and (allowed_experiments_id_list or denied_experiments_id_list) can not be set at the same time!')

    if allowed_experiments_id_list is not None and denied_experiments_id_list is not None:
        raise ValueError('allowed_experiments_id_list and denied_experiments_id_list can not be set at the same time!')

    if experiment_descriptions is None:
        experiment_descriptions = load_experiment_descriptions(
        experiment_descriptions = experiment_descriptions

    if on_experiment_data_loaded is None:
        on_experiment_data_loaded = []

    if on_repetition_data_loaded is None:
        on_repetition_data_loaded = []

    # load experiments according to the order in the experiment_descriptions
    sorted_experiment_ids =

    data = collections.OrderedDict()
    for exp_id in sorted_experiment_ids:
        exp_descr = experiment_descriptions[exp_id]

        if 'is_load_data' not in exp_descr or exp_descr['is_load_data']:
                data[exp_id] = load_single_experiment_data(

                for callback_function in on_experiment_data_loaded:
                    callback_function(exp_id, data[exp_id])

                _filter_data(data[exp_id], post_allowed_data_filter, post_denied_data_filter)

            except FileNotFoundError:
                if not exp_descr.repetition_ids or not is_load_repetition_data:
                    warnings.warn('Could find data for experiment {!r} ({!r}). Skipped ...'.format(exp_id, exp_descr['directory']))

            except Exception as e:
                raise Exception('Exception during loading of data for experiment {!r} ({!r})!'.format(exp_id, exp_descr['directory'])) from e

            # load data of each repetition
            if is_load_repetition_data:
                if eu.REPETITION_DATA_KEY in data:
                    warnings.warn('A statistic called {!r} was loaded for experiment data. Can not store repetition data under the same data source name. Skip to load repetition data. Please rename this statistic.'.format(eu.REPETITION_DATA_KEY))
                    cur_rep_statistics_dict = dict()
                    for rep_id in exp_descr.repetition_ids:
                        cur_rep_directory = os.path.join(exp_descr['directory'], eu.REPETITION_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE.format(rep_id))
                            cur_rep_statistics_dict[rep_id] = load_single_experiment_data(

                            for callback_function in on_repetition_data_loaded:
                                callback_function(exp_id, rep_id, cur_rep_statistics_dict[rep_id])

                            _filter_data(cur_rep_statistics_dict[rep_id], post_allowed_data_filter, post_denied_data_filter)

                        except FileNotFoundError:
                            warnings.warn('Could not find data for repetition {} of experiment {!r} ({!r}). Skipped ...'.format(rep_id, exp_id, exp_descr['directory']))

                        except Exception as e:
                            raise Exception('Exception during loading of data for repetition {} of experiment {!r} ({!r})!'.format(rep_id, exp_id, exp_descr['directory'])) from e

                    if cur_rep_statistics_dict:
                        # in case no experimental level data exists
                        if exp_id not in data:
                            data[exp_id] = AttrDict()

                        data[exp_id][eu.REPETITION_DATA_KEY] = cur_rep_statistics_dict

    return data, experiment_descriptions


Loads data for a single experiment which includes all its repetition data.


Name Type Description Default
experiment_directory str

Path to the experiment directory.

data_directory str

Relative path of the data directories under the experiments and repetitions. Defaults to './data'.

allowed_data_filter list

List of datasource names (strings) that will be loaded. If defined then only these datasources will be loaded.

denied_data_filter list

List of datasource names (strings) that will NOT be loaded. If defined then all datasources besides the specified ones will be loaded.

allow_pickle bool

Indicates if loading of pickled objects is allowed. Defaults to True.
⚠ This could allow arbitrary code execution. Only load files you trust!



Name Type Description
data AttrDict

A dictionary containing the loaded data.

Source code in exputils/data/
def load_single_experiment_data(experiment_directory: str,
                                data_directory: Optional[str] = None,
                                allowed_data_filter: Optional[list] = None,
                                denied_data_filter: Optional[list] = None,
                                allow_pickle: bool = True) -> AttrDict:
    Loads data for a single experiment which includes all its repetition data.

        experiment_directory (str):
            Path to the experiment directory.
        data_directory (str):
            Relative path of the data directories under the experiments and repetitions.
            Defaults to `'./data'`.
        allowed_data_filter (list):
            List of datasource names (strings) that will be loaded.
            If defined then only these datasources will be loaded.
        denied_data_filter (list):
            List of datasource names (strings) that will NOT be loaded.
            If defined then all datasources besides the specified ones will be loaded.
        allow_pickle (bool):
            Indicates if loading of pickled objects is allowed.
            Defaults to True. <br>
            :warning: This could allow arbitrary code execution. Only load files you trust!

        data (AttrDict):
            A dictionary containing the loaded data.

    if data_directory is None:
        data_directory = eu.DEFAULT_DATA_DIRECTORY

    # need to allow also logging to be able to load data that is in logging.npz files
    if allowed_data_filter is not None:

    data =
        os.path.join(experiment_directory, data_directory),

    # TODO: Refactor - make loading of npz files without the 'logging' sub-directory as a general cases
    if 'logging' in data:
        del data['logging']

    return data


Loads single object that was logged via the add_single_object. function and saved as a dill file. The file that is either located under the experiments, or a single experiment or repetition directory.

⚠ This could allow arbitrary code execution. Only load files you trust!

loaded_obj = load_experiment_data_single_object(
    'my_object',  # name of the object


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the object which is the name of the dill file with or without extension.

experiment_id int

An optional identifier for a specific experiment. If not provided, then the object is loaded from the experiments directory.

repetition_id int

An optional identifier for a specific repetition of the experiment. If not provided, then the object is loaded from the experiments or experiment directory.

experiments_directory str

The root directory where all experiments are stored. Defaults to ..\experiments.

data_directory str

Relative path of the data directories under the experiments and repetitions. Defaults to './data'.

experiment_directory_template str

Name template of experiment directories. Defaults to 'experiment_{:06d}'.

repetition_directory_template str

Template for constructing the repetition directory. Defaults to None. Name template of repetition directories. Defaults to 'repetition_{:06d}'.

add_execution_directory_to_sys_path bool

Whether to add the execution directory to the system path temporailly while loading the object. This can be necessary if the object has relational import statements. By adding the directory where the object is located temporailly to the python path, these import statments can be processed correctly. Defaults to True.



Name Type Description
object object

The loaded experiment data object.

Source code in exputils/data/
def load_experiment_data_single_object(name: str,
                                       experiment_id: Optional[int] = None,
                                       repetition_id: Optional[int] = None,
                                       experiments_directory: Optional[str] = None,
                                       data_directory: Optional[str] = None,
                                       experiment_directory_template: Optional[str] = None,
                                       repetition_directory_template: Optional[str] = None,
                                       add_execution_directory_to_sys_path: bool = True) -> object:
    Loads single object that was logged via the [add_single_object][].
    function and saved as a dill file. The file that is either located under the experiments, or a
    single experiment or repetition directory.

    :warning: This could allow arbitrary code execution. Only load files you trust!

        loaded_obj = load_experiment_data_single_object(
            'my_object',  # name of the object

        name (str):
            The name of the object which is the name of the dill file with or without extension.
        experiment_id (int):
            An optional identifier for a specific experiment.
            If not provided, then the object is loaded from the experiments directory.
        repetition_id (int):
            An optional identifier for a specific repetition of the experiment.
            If not provided, then the object is loaded from the experiments or experiment directory.
        experiments_directory (str):
            The root directory where all experiments are stored.
            Defaults to `..\experiments`.
        data_directory (str):
            Relative path of the data directories under the experiments and repetitions.
            Defaults to `'./data'`.
        experiment_directory_template (str):
            Name template of experiment directories.
            Defaults to `'experiment_{:06d}'`.
        repetition_directory_template (str): Template for constructing the repetition directory. Defaults to None.
            Name template of repetition directories.
            Defaults to `'repetition_{:06d}'`.
        add_execution_directory_to_sys_path (bool):
            Whether to add the execution directory to the system path temporailly while loading the object.
            This can be necessary if the object has relational import statements.
            By adding the directory where the object is located temporailly to the python path,
            these import statments can be processed correctly.
            Defaults to True.

        object: The loaded experiment data object.

    if experiments_directory is None:
        experiments_directory = os.path.join('..', eu.DEFAULT_EXPERIMENTS_DIRECTORY)

    full_execution_dir_path = experiments_directory

    # only add experiment subfolder if needed
    if experiment_id is not None:

        if experiment_directory_template is None:
            experiment_directory_template = eu.EXPERIMENT_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE

        experiment_directory = experiment_directory_template.format(experiment_id)

        full_execution_dir_path = os.path.join(full_execution_dir_path, experiment_directory)

        # only add repetition subfolder if needed
        if repetition_id is not None:

            if repetition_directory_template is None:
                repetition_directory_template = eu.REPETITION_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE

            repetition_directory = repetition_directory_template.format(repetition_id)

            full_execution_dir_path = os.path.join(full_execution_dir_path, repetition_directory)

    if data_directory is None:
        data_directory = eu.DEFAULT_DATA_DIRECTORY

    # construct the full path to the module
    full_dill_path = os.path.join(full_execution_dir_path, data_directory, name)

    # add the directory in which the code was executed to system path
    if add_execution_directory_to_sys_path:

    obj =

    if add_execution_directory_to_sys_path:

    return obj


Loads a Python module dynamically that is either located under the experiments, or a single experiment or repetition directory. This can be used to load for example the configuration file of a repetition.

# load the configuration file of a repetition and print its config dictionary
config_module = load_experiment_python_module(
    '',  # name of the configuration file

⚠ This could allow arbitrary code execution. Only load files you trust!


Name Type Description Default
module_path str

The realtive path to the python module file either under the experiments, experiment, or repetition directory. Which level depends on if an experiment_id and a repetition_id are provided or not.

experiment_id int

An optional identifier for a specific experiment. If not provided, then the module is loaded from the experiments directory.

repetition_id int

An optional identifier for a specific repetition of the experiment. If not provided, then the module is loaded from the experiments or experiment directory.

experiments_directory str

The root directory where all experiments are stored. Defaults to ..\experiments.

exec_module bool

If True, the module will be executed after being loaded which means it will be imported. Defaults to True.

experiment_directory_template str

Name template of experiment directories. Defaults to 'experiment_{:06d}'.

repetition_directory_template str

Template for constructing the repetition directory. Defaults to None. Name template of repetition directories. Defaults to 'repetition_{:06d}'.

add_execution_directory_to_sys_path bool

If True, the script's execution directory will be added to sys.path. Defaults to True.



Name Type Description
module ModuleType

The loaded Python module object.

Source code in exputils/data/
def load_experiment_python_module(module_path: str,
                                  experiment_id: Optional[int] = None,
                                  repetition_id: Optional[int] = None,
                                  experiments_directory: Optional[str] = None,
                                  exec_module: bool = True,
                                  experiment_directory_template: Optional[str] = None,
                                  repetition_directory_template: Optional[str] = None,
                                  add_execution_directory_to_sys_path: bool = True) -> ModuleType:
    Loads a Python module dynamically that is either located under the experiments, or a single
    experiment or repetition directory.
    This can be used to load for example the configuration file of a repetition.

        # load the configuration file of a repetition and print its config dictionary
        config_module = load_experiment_python_module(
            '',  # name of the configuration file

    :warning: This could allow arbitrary code execution. Only load files you trust!

        module_path (str):
            The realtive path to the python module file either under the experiments, experiment, or
            repetition directory.
            Which level depends on if an experiment_id and a repetition_id are provided or not.
        experiment_id (int):
            An optional identifier for a specific experiment.
            If not provided, then the module is loaded from the experiments directory.
        repetition_id (int):
            An optional identifier for a specific repetition of the experiment.
            If not provided, then the module is loaded from the experiments or experiment directory.
        experiments_directory (str):
            The root directory where all experiments are stored.
            Defaults to `..\experiments`.
        exec_module (bool):
            If True, the module will be executed after being loaded which means it will be imported.
            Defaults to True.
        experiment_directory_template (str):
            Name template of experiment directories.
            Defaults to `'experiment_{:06d}'`.
        repetition_directory_template (str): Template for constructing the repetition directory. Defaults to None.
            Name template of repetition directories.
            Defaults to `'repetition_{:06d}'`.
        add_execution_directory_to_sys_path (bool):
            If True, the script's execution directory will be added to sys.path.
            Defaults to True.

        module (ModuleType): The loaded Python module object.


    if experiments_directory is None:
        experiments_directory = os.path.join('..', eu.DEFAULT_EXPERIMENTS_DIRECTORY)

    full_module_path = experiments_directory

    # only add experiment subfolder if needed
    if experiment_id is not None:

        if experiment_directory_template is None:
            experiment_directory_template = eu.EXPERIMENT_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE

        experiment_directory = experiment_directory_template.format(experiment_id)

        full_module_path = os.path.join(full_module_path, experiment_directory)

        # only add repetition subfolder if needed
        if repetition_id is not None:

            if repetition_directory_template is None:
                repetition_directory_template = eu.REPETITION_DIRECTORY_TEMPLATE

            repetition_directory = repetition_directory_template.format(repetition_id)

            full_module_path = os.path.join(full_module_path, repetition_directory)

    # construct the full path to the module
    full_module_path = os.path.join(full_module_path, module_path)

    filename = os.path.basename(module_path)
    module_name = filename.replace('.py', '')

    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, full_module_path)

    # creates a new module based on spec
    module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)

    if exec_module:
        # add the directory in which the code was executed to system path
        if add_execution_directory_to_sys_path:


        if add_execution_directory_to_sys_path:

    return module