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This tutorial introduces the basic functionality of the exputils:

  • configuring your experiments
  • logging of data
  • running and managing experiments
  • analysis of experimental data

The tutorial uses the pytorch_mnist demo to introduce these concepts. It explains how to use the demo and how it works. The demo itself is based on the PyTorch tutorial that introduces how to train a DNN on the example of classification. If you are new to PyTorch, please follow first the PyTorch tutorial to understand the training procedure. This tutorial will concentrate on the exputils functionality.


Download the exputils source code from github and navigate to the pytorch_mnist demo.

git clone .
cd ./exputils/examples/pytorch_mnist

Create a conda environment (you can also use a venv) and activate it:

conda create -n exputils_demo python=3.11
conda activate exputils_demo

Install the latest exputils library from PyPI:

pip install experiment-utilities

For using the exputils GUIs to load and plot data in Jupyter Notebook, the qgrid widget must be activated.

jupyter contrib nbextension install --user
jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix widgetsnbextension
jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix qgrid

It is recommended to use the Jupyter Notebooks Extensions to allow folding of code and headlines. This makes the notebooks more readable. Activate the extensions with:

jupyter nbextension enable codefolding/main
jupyter nbextension enable collapsible_headings/main

With this we have finished the installation of the exputils package.

Now, we have to install your custom python library which contains the code that is used in experiments. In the case of the demo, this is the my_dl_lib which is located under ./src. Here we install it in developer mode (-e) so that changes to the code are used when the package is imported by other python code.

pip install -e. ./src/my_dl_lib

Installing the libray will also install missing packages such as PyTorch and torchvision.

This concludes setting up the exputils and the demo. We are now ready to use it.

Project Structure

The exputils are in their functionality very versatile and allow you to freely structure your code and experiments how you want. Nonetheless, we recommend to follow a certain project and folder structure for which the default parameters of the exputils functions are configured.

A project consists of two main elements: code (under the ./src folder) and experiments. Of course other elements such as the datasets in our example are possible. The project has the following folder structure (entries starting with a * can have custom names) where each element will be explained in the following sections in more detail:

    ├── src  # code
       └── * my_dl_lib  # python package with code for this demo
    ├── experiments  # holds all experimental campaigns
       └── * my_campaign 
    └── * datasets  # optional datasets


First we have to create our code for which we want to run experiments. The code will be in form of python packages, which we import when running our experiments. If you are unfamiliar with python packages, please have a look at this tutorial.

The pytorch_mnist demo is doing classification experiments using its my_dl_lib package under the src folder. The main functionality under ./src/my_dl_lib/my_dl_lib is in the which defines how to train and test a neural network models. The model itself is defined in the models/

In the following we will first learn how to configure our experiments before going into how to log data.


How you configure your experiments is principle independent of the exputils. However, the package provides functions create configurations in form of a nested dictionaries. Each important function and class of the code takes such a dictionary as input parameter and define its default configuration in form of it.

AttrDict Dictionary

A special dictionary is provided that makes the configuration easier, the AttrDict. It allows to access its properties similar to properties dict.value, thus making it unnecessary to use the dict['value'] expression.

import exputils as eu
config = eu.AttrDict()
config.learn_rate = 0.01  # set a value
print(config.learn_rate)  # read a value 

Default Configuration

The main function of our code is run_training(config=None, **kwargs) in The function loads the dataset, creates the network model, loss function, optimizer and runs the training. It takes as input a config dictionary that contains the configuration of our experiment such as the number of epochs we want to run it.

First, the function defines the default configuration.

default_config = eu.AttrDict(

The default configuration is then compared with the given configuration to create the config:

config = eu.combine_dicts(kwargs, config, default_config)
The combine_dicts function combines its given dictionaries by comparing their elements also taking into account nested dictionaries. The first given dictionary has priority and overrides the same element of the second dictionary.

  • Example:

    dict_a = eu.AttrDict() = 'a'
    dict_a.x_val = '1'
    dict_b = eu.AttrDict = 'default'
    dict_b.x_val = 0
    dict_b.y_val = 0
    comb_dict = eu.combine_dicts(dict_a, dict_b)


    AttrDict({'name': 'a', 'x_val': 1, 'y_val': 0})

Using the Config

We are then using the dictionary to seed the random number generators (random, numpy.random, torch.random) through the seed function that takes as input the config dictionary and uses its seed property to set them. If seed=None then a random initialization is done.


Then we use the config to load the training dataset using the create_object_from_config function:

training_data = eu.create_object_from_config(
The function takes as input a dictionary that defines an object that should be created. In our case, this is a object. The given dictionary defines the class (cls property) used to create the object and extra parameters that are given to the __init__ method. The default config defines this object of class FashionMNIST and having as root parameter (location of the dataset on disk) the ./mnist folder.
Our call of the create_object_from_config function will also set the train=True and transform=ToTensor() properties which are not defined in the config.

We use the same method to create the test_dataset, model, loss_fn and the optimizer objects for our training procedure.

Configuration of Classes

We can configure objects from our custom classes in a similar way. See the models/ for an example:

import exputils as eu
from torch import nn

class NeuralNetwork(nn.Module):

    def default_config():
        return eu.AttrDict(

    def __init__(self, config=None, **kwargs):
        self.config = eu.combine_dicts(kwargs, config, self.default_config())
We define for each class a static method default_config that returns the default configuration of the class. In the __init__(self, config=None, **kwargs) we take as input a config dictionary and combine it with the default configuration to have our self.config.

  • Note: The use of the **kwargs parameter is to allow the setting of the configuration without the need for a dictionary. The following two expressions are equal:





The exputils provides several logging functions to log for example the loss of the training over its iterations or the accuracy of the model after each epoch. Please see the Logging section in the references for more details of its various functions .

Logging of Loss and Accuracy

To start logging we import the module (here as log) in the and then use its add_value function. We can see it used in the train and test functions.

import as log


def test(...):
    log.add_value('test/accuracy', 100 * correct)
    log.add_value('test/loss', test_loss)
We will see further below how we can visualize our logged data.

Experiment Status

Sometimes, we want to report the progress or status of our training for the user to see. As we might run several experiments and repetitions in parallel the print function is not optimal as the parallel processes all write in the same console output making it difficult to now which output is for which experiment. To report the experiment status the exputils provides the update_status function.

def run_training(config=None, ...):
    for t in range(config.n_epochs):
        eu.update_status(f"train epoch {t+1}")

The update_status function takes as input a string, here the current epoch number, and will write it in a status file. We will see further below how to visualize this information.


After having prepared the code we can set up our experiments, run them and analyze afterward their results. Experiments are organized in form of campaigns under the ./experiments folder. A campaign usually compares how different algorithms and parameters perform for a specific problem such as our FashionMNIST categorization task. For this purpose, the demo has the ./experiments/my_campaign where we want to compare the performance of our NeuralNetwork with different numbers of n_hidden_neurons.

Each campaign has a recommended folder structure:

├── analyze  
   └── overview.ipynb
├── src
   └── rep
├── experiment_configurations.ods
    ├── experiment_000001
       ├── repeition_000001
          ├── data
       ├── repeition_000002
       └─ ...
    ├── experiment_000002    
    └─ ...
The individual elements will be explained in the following sections.


To define what code to run and which algorithms and parameters to compare in a campaign, we have to set up two elements:

  • src folder: This folder contains the code that should be executed during an experiment and its repetitions.
  • experiment_configurations.ods file: This spreadsheet file for Libreoffice (open-source alternative to MS Excel) defines the algorithms and parameters of each experiments under our campaign.

The src folder contains a src/rep folder that contains the code that will be generated for each repetition of each experiment that we define in a moment in the experiment_configurations.ods file.

Code of Repetitions:

The python script that we execute when we run a repetition of an experiment is the src/rep/

#!/usr/bin/env python

# this allows to run processes in parallel on different cores without slowing down the processing
# because each of them wants to use all cores
import torch

# read the config for this repetition from the file
from config import config

# run the traning with the associated configuration for this repetition
import my_dl_lib
To be able to run it directly as a script it needs the shebang: #!/usr/bin/env python!

It first imports pytorch to set its number of parallel threads to 1. This is necessary to because we will run several repetitions and experiments in parallel on the different CPU or GPU cores that we have. But by default, some pytorch components make use of multithreading and allocate several cores automatically. Unfortunately, if we run processes in parallel and pytorch tries to use for each of them all cores, it comes to conflicts between the cores resulting in a much longer runtime. To avoid this, we define that each repetition can only use 1 thread and core. By handling the parallelization of processes this way we are still faster than letting pytorch handling it.

Afterward, it imports the configuration for our experiment and repetition which we will discuss shortly.

Finally, it imports our my_dl_lib that we prepared and executes the run_training function giving it the configuration of the repetition.

Configuration Template:

The template for the configuration is defined in the src/rep/

import exputils as eu
import my_dl_lib
import torch
from torchvision import datasets
from torch import nn

# config for the my_dl_lib.run_training function
config = eu.AttrDict(
    # the seed if each repetition is different to have different network parameter initializations
    seed = <repetition_id>,

    # number of epochs with default of 5
    n_epochs = <n_epochs,10>,

    # batch size with default of 10
    batch_size = <batch_size,10>,

    # the loss and dataset is the same for all experiments in this campaign
    dataset = eu.AttrDict(
        cls = datasets.FashionMNIST,
        root = '../../../../../datasets/mnist'
    loss = eu.AttrDict(
        cls = nn.CrossEntropyLoss

    # as models can have different parameters, we allow to set them generally through the
    # <model_parameters> placeholder, which can have a list of them, for example: "n_layers=3, n_neurons=128"
    model = eu.AttrDict(
        cls = my_dl_lib.models.<model>,

    optimizer = eu.AttrDict(
        cls = torch.optim.<optimizer>,
        lr = <lr>,

The configuration template file defines the config dictionary that we will give our run_traning function as input. The configuration file contains incorrect python code because it contains placeholders: <name, std_value>. These place holders will be later replaced by the actual parameter values for our experiment that we define in the experiment_configurations.ods file. For example, n_epochs = <n_epochs,10> will be later replaced by n_epochs = 5 if the experiment_configurations.ods defines for n_epochs a value of 5. The optional std_value in the place holders will be used if no value would be defined in the experiment_configurations.ods.

The random seed will be set by the repetition_id which is an int that defines the ID of a repetition from 0 onwards.

Configuration: experiment_configurations.ods

The experiment_configurations.ods contains the values for all the placeholders of each experiment that we want to execute. To view and edit it, please install LibreOffice.


Each line that has an Experiment-ID is an experiment. ID's can be integer from 0 onwards. They can be freely defined, but have to be unique per campaign.

The repetitions column define how many repetitions should be executed for this experiment, here 5 for each.

The other columns define the values for the placeholders in our template file. Values can be in any format and even python code. The exputils simply takes them as string values and replaces the corresponding placeholder with it.

You can also use colors or font modifiers to help readability. We can see that we want to have three experiments that differ in the n_hidden_neurons parameter (2, 8, 32).

With this we have defined our experiments and can execute them.


Functions for the execution of experiments are under the exputils.manage module as detailed in the Manage section of the Reference. To manage experiments directly from the command line, three bash commands are provided that call the exputils functions:

  • Generate code of experiments and repetitions.
  • Find which experiments and repetitions need to run and execute them in parallel.
  • Print the execution status of experiments.

We will detail the use of these commands in the following sections. For more information you can call them with the -h param, for example ./ -h.

  • Tip: The commands have to be copied to each campaign folder that you create. To avoid this, you can create them as system-wide commands. See this tutorial for help: How to create custom commands.

Generation of Experiments

Before execution, we have to generate the code for each experiment and repetition. This creates for each experiment and repetition a folder that contains the code we defined in the ./src/rep folder. Moreover, it replaces the placeholders in the with the values for the experiment and repetition.

To generate the code, call:



Generate experiments ...

The command creates a new folder in der campaign: ./experiments, that contains all defined experiments and repetitions. When opening the configuration for experiment-ID 1 and its repetition-ID 0 we can see that the placeholders were correctly adjusted according to our experiment_configurations.ods.

Content of file ./experiments/experiment_000001/repetition_000000/

import ...

config = eu.AttrDict(
    seed = 0,
    n_epochs = 5,
    batch_size = 10,
    dataset = eu.AttrDict(
        cls = datasets.FashionMNIST,
        root = '../../../../../datasets/mnist'
    loss = eu.AttrDict(
        cls = nn.CrossEntropyLoss
    model = eu.AttrDict(
        cls = my_dl_lib.models.NeuralNetwork,
    optimizer = eu.AttrDict(
        cls = torch.optim.SGD,
        lr = 0.01,
The seed is set to the repetition-ID 0 and the n_hidden_neurons is correctly set to 2.

Running a single Repetition

To test if our experiment runs correctly we can execute a particular repetition:

cd ./experiments/experiment_000001/repetition_000000
cd ../../..


Using cpu device
Test Error: 
 Accuracy: 10.0%, Avg loss: 2.359976

Epoch 1
loss: 2.377968  [   10/60000]
loss: 2.175646  [ 1010/60000]


loss: 1.392127  [58010/60000]
loss: 1.375843  [59010/60000]
Test Error: 
 Accuracy: 45.9%, Avg loss: 1.343065


The repetition works as intended. You can also see that it created a data folder in the repetition folder that contains a numpy array file (.npy) for each of the variables that we logged.

ls ./experiments/experiment_000001/repetition_000000/data


test_accuracy.npy  test_loss.npy  train_loss.npy

We will later visualize this data.

Running of Experiments

Of course, we do not want to start each repetition manually. Moreover, we want to run several of them in parallel on different CPU or GPU cores to save time. To achieve this we use the command and instruct it to run 10 experiments / repetitions in parallel:

./ -n 10


Start experiments ...
2024/11/13 09:39:08 start './experiments/experiment_000001/repetition_000001/' (previous status: todo) ...
2024/11/13 09:39:08 start './experiments/experiment_000001/repetition_000002/' (previous status: todo) ...
2024/11/13 09:39:08 start './experiments/experiment_000001/repetition_000003/' (previous status: todo) ...
2024/11/13 09:39:08 start './experiments/experiment_000001/repetition_000004/' (previous status: todo) ...
2024/11/13 09:39:08 start './experiments/experiment_000002/repetition_000000/' (previous status: todo) ...
2024/11/13 09:39:08 start './experiments/experiment_000002/repetition_000001/' (previous status: todo) ...
2024/11/13 09:39:08 start './experiments/experiment_000002/repetition_000002/' (previous status: todo) ...
2024/11/13 09:39:08 start './experiments/experiment_000002/repetition_000003/' (previous status: todo) ...
2024/11/13 09:39:08 start './experiments/experiment_000002/repetition_000004/' (previous status: todo) ...
2024/11/13 09:39:08 start './experiments/experiment_000003/repetition_000000/' (previous status: todo) ...

Using cpu device
Using cpu device


2024/11/13 09:41:06 finished './experiments/experiment_000003/repetition_000003/' (status: finished)
2024/11/13 09:41:06 finished './experiments/experiment_000003/repetition_000004/' (status: finished)

Note: If the experiments have not been generated so far then the command will generate them.

The command collects the first 10 repetitions that have not been started so far and executes them in parallel. If the first of the 10 repetitions is finished then the exputils selects the next repetition that has to be executed and starts it until all repetitions have been successfully executed.

Visualizing the Progress

We can see that the repetitions print outputs are also displayed in parallel making it hard to read them and see the progress. For this purpose exists the command. While the experiments are running, open another terminal and navigate to the campaign folder. Then call:



2024/11/13 09:53:37 ./experiments/experiment_000001/repetition_000000/ - running  train epoch 5
2024/11/13 09:53:44 ./experiments/experiment_000001/repetition_000001/ - finished 
2024/11/13 09:53:36 ./experiments/experiment_000001/repetition_000002/ - running  train epoch 5
2024/11/13 09:53:34 ./experiments/experiment_000001/repetition_000003/ - running  train epoch 5
2024/11/13 09:53:35 ./experiments/experiment_000001/repetition_000004/ - running  train epoch 5
2024/11/13 09:53:32 ./experiments/experiment_000002/repetition_000000/ - running  train epoch 5
2024/11/13 09:53:34 ./experiments/experiment_000002/repetition_000001/ - running  train epoch 5
2024/11/13 09:53:46 ./experiments/experiment_000002/repetition_000002/ - finished 
2024/11/13 09:53:35 ./experiments/experiment_000002/repetition_000003/ - running  train epoch 5
2024/11/13 09:53:38 ./experiments/experiment_000002/repetition_000004/ - running  train epoch 5
2024/11/13 09:53:44 ./experiments/experiment_000003/repetition_000000/ - running 
2024/11/13 09:53:47 ./experiments/experiment_000003/repetition_000001/ - running 
2024/11/13 09:52:35 ./experiments/experiment_000003/repetition_000002/ - todo 
2024/11/13 09:52:35 ./experiments/experiment_000003/repetition_000003/ - todo 
2024/11/13 09:52:35 ./experiments/experiment_000003/repetition_000004/ - todo 
total: 15 | todo: 3 | running: 10 | error: 0 | finished: 2

We can see that 2 repetitions are finished, 10 are running and 3 are still to be started. The command also shows us the current training epoch of each repetition that we are reporting using the update_status function in our code.

  • Tip: To get a contiuous update of the status use the -t flag of the command. You can exit it with Ctrl+C. To avoid that it displayes information about already finished experiments use the -u flag.
    ./ -t -u

Running Additional Experiments

Usually our initial experiments are not enough and we have to run further parameters. This can be easily done by adding new lines in the experiment_configurations.ods file and then by running again the experiments.

Let's add a new experiments (ID: 4) that evaluates our network model with 128 n_hidden_neurons to the experiment_configurations.ods:


After saving the file, we use again our command to run experiments. Besides running experiments, it will also generate them first:

./ -n 10


Start experiments ...
2024/11/13 13:12:53 start './experiments/experiment_000004/repetition_000000/' (previous status: todo) ...
2024/11/13 13:12:53 start './experiments/experiment_000004/repetition_000001/' (previous status: todo) ...
2024/11/13 13:12:53 start './experiments/experiment_000004/repetition_000002/' (previous status: todo) ...
2024/11/13 13:12:53 start './experiments/experiment_000004/repetition_000003/' (previous status: todo) ...
2024/11/13 13:12:53 start './experiments/experiment_000004/repetition_000004/' (previous status: todo) ...



We can observe that the command only starts the repetitions of the new experiment (ID: 4). It will not rerun experiments that have been already executed.

Note: If you want to rerun experiments, you have to delete their folders under ./experiments. Exputils will then regenerate and rerun them.


After our experiments have been finished we want to look at their results. The exputils provide some useful Jupyter widgets to load our logged data and visualize them with interactive plots. For this you have to install some extras for Jupyter notebook as outlined in the Installation section.

Inside our campaign start Jupyter notebook:

jupyter notebook

Inside the notebook, open the prepared notebook ./analyze/overview.ipynb.

Loading Data

The first cell imports the exputils and opens the ExperimentDataLoaderWidget.

import exputils as eu
experiment_data_loader = eu.gui.jupyter.ExperimentDataLoaderWidget()

We can see all the experiments that we executed and that we can load. Click the 'Load Data' button to load the data from the checkmarked () items.


Load data ...
Data successfully loaded.

The widget loaded all the logged data that was in the data folder of each repetition. If you run new experiments at a later point, click on Update Descriptions to see them in the table and load them.

The data is stored in the nested dictionary experiment_data_loader.experiment_data that has the following general structure:

experiment_data_loader.experiment_data: dict
└── key: <Experiment-ID> (str): dict  
    └── key: 'repetition_data': dict
        └── key: <Repetition-ID> (int): dict    
            └── key: <datasource_name> (int): data usually as numpy array

The next cell prints the data in a 'pretty' way:

def pretty(d, indent=0):
   for key, value in d.items():
      print('\t' * indent + str(key))
      if isinstance(value, dict):
         pretty(value, indent+1)
         print('\t' * (indent+1) + str(value))


Output (shortened):

                [2.35997581 1.73878336 1.5804979  1.46617584 1.37025173 1.34306539]
                [2.37796783 2.38081217 2.57028079 ... 1.57344127 1.52922952 1.03360915]
                [10.         33.215      32.38333333 44.97166667 46.80833333 45.94833333]

Visualizing Data

With the data loaded, we can now visualize it. The ExperimentDataPlotSelectionWidget allows to select which datasources (variables that we logged) to plot and by which plotting tool. The next cell calls it:

experiment_data_plotter = eu.gui.jupyter.ExperimentDataPlotSelectionWidget(experiment_data_loader)

In the Data Sources field we input the name of the datasource we want to plot. Under Plot Function we can select the plotting tool which can be configured in the Plot Configuration section.

Line Plots

First, we would like to plot the test_accuracy data in a line plot. For this we enter test_accuracy in the the Data Sources field, select
plotly_meanstd_scatter as Plot Function and press the Plot Data button.


The interactive plot shows us the accuracy over training epochs. Each line represents the mean accuracy per experiment and the shaded area the standard deviation. All plots are based on plotly, so they are interactive. You can zoom in the plot or select which data curve should be only visible by clicking on the labels. The buttons on the bottom also allow to view for example the individual elements (repetitions) or each experiment.

Changing the Plot Configuration

We can modify the configuration of the plot to make things more clear. Replace the Plot Configuration with the following config to modify the labels of the x-axis and y-axis:

layout = dict(
    xaxis = dict(title = 'epoch'), 
    yaxis = dict(title = 'accuracy'),

Moreover, we want to change the labels of the experiments. For, this go back to the ExperimentDataLoaderWidget (the table that shows which data to load) and change the name of each experiment. (Note: You do not need to reload the data.)

exp 000001 --> n_hidden: 2
exp 000002 --> n_hidden: 8
exp 000003 --> n_hidden: 32
exp 000004 --> n_hidden: 128

With these changes plot the data again using the Plot Data button.


Creating Dedicated Plots

Instead of using in the future always the ExperimentDataPlotSelectionWidget to plot the accuracy data we can also create a dedicated cell to plot the figure that we configured. Open the Code Production selection of the Plot Selection Widget and select Multi Line. This creates a new cell below the current one with:

# Plotting of ['test_accuracy'] 
import exputils as eu
from exputils.gui.jupyter.plotly_meanstd_scatter import plotly_meanstd_scatter

plot_config = eu.AttrDict(
layout = dict(
    xaxis = dict(title = 'epoch'), 
    yaxis = dict(title = 'accuracy'),

selection_widget = eu.gui.jupyter.ExperimentDataPlotSelectionWidget(
    output_format=('S', 'E', 'D'),
    state_backup_variable_filter=['experiment_ids', 'repetition_ids'],  # only save these variables as backup
If you execute the cell, you can see that it replicates the plot. The configuration for the plot can now be directly changed through this code. We can use this method to create all the general plots that we need to analyze our campaign.

In the rest of our notebook there are already several of these plots created. We discuss them in the following sections.

Box Plots

We want to better illustrate the final accuracy of each experiment. For this we can use a box plot that compares scalar values between experiments.

Use again the ExperimentDataPlotSelectionWidget with the following configuration:

  • Data Sources: test_accuracy[-1] (This selects the final array element in our datasource.)
  • Plot Function: plotly_box
  • Plot Configuration: layout = dict(yaxis = dict(title = 'accuracy'))

The interactive plot shows you several statistics such as the mean, median, min and max of each final accuracy over the 5 repetitions per experiment. If you select the _all_ button at the bottom of the plot you can also see the individual outcomes of each repetition as dots next to each box.

The plot shows use clearly that the accuracy increases with a higher number of hidden neurons in the NeuralNetwork model, but that there is also a diminishing return.

Bar Plots

The next plot is similar, but presents each experiment as a bar.


  • Data Sources: test_accuracy[-1]
  • Plot Function: plotly_meanstd_bar
  • Plot Configuration: layout = dict(yaxis = dict(title='accuracy', range=[0,100]))


We can show the information also in a table which allows us also to visualize several datasources together.


  • Data Sources: test_accuracy[-1], test_loss[-1], train_loss[-1]
  • Plot Function: tabulate_meanstd
  • Plot Configuration: flip_rows_and_cols = True, top_left_cell_content = 'Experiment'

The table shows for the final accuracy and each final loss the average and in brackets the standard deviation over all repetition.

Pairwise-Comparison Tables

We can also compare the one scalar value of each experiment pairwise with each other experiment. With this we can compute for example a Mann–Whitney U test to see if the results are statistically significant different.


  • Data Sources: test_accuracy[-1]
  • Plot Function: tabulate_pairwise
  • Plot Configuration: Keep the default.

The table shows the p-value for each test. As they are all way below 0.01 we can establish that the resulting accuracy differences between our models are statistically significant. You can choose which function to use to compare experiments. See more details at the reference for tabulate_pairwise.